EUC Football 2009 results

EUC Football 2009 results
The 7th European Universities Football Championship was held in Wroclaw (POL) from July 20-26, 2009.
14 men and 7 women university teams from 13 countries took part on the event organised by AZS Wroclaw and AZS Poland.
In the men competition the title of the champion went to the Pedagogical Academy from Ternopil (UKR) after winning in the finals with 1:0 the Ivano – Frankivsk University of Oil and Gas (UKR). In women event the winners became the students from the Autonoma de Madrid (ESP) which defeated in exciting final match the University of Montpellier with 4:3.  The winners were awarded by medals and cups presented by Mr. Dinos Pavlou, the EUSA Executive Committee Delegate and Mr. Piotr Marszal, the Organizing Committee Chairman. The best scorer became Jessica Houara from University of Montpellier (FRA) in women and Halil Ibrahim Alam from Halic University (TUR) in men event. The Fair Play Award went to ETH Zurich (SUI) in women and the University of Jyvaskala (FIN) in men event.The EUSA flag was passed to Warszaw (POL) which will organize the next Championship in 2010. More information on the event can be found on the website:

Final ranking
1.    Autonomia de Madrid (ESP)
2.    University of Montpellier (FRA)
3.    University School of Physical Education (POL)
4.    Sibirian Federal University Krasnoyarsk (RUS)
5.    University of Valencia (ESP)
6.    ETH Zurich (SUI)
7.    University of Cyprus (CYP)

1. Ternopil Pedagogical Academy (UKR)
2. Ivano – Frankivsk University of Oil and Gas (UKR)
3. Karlsruhe University (GER)
4. University Paris 12 Val de Marne (FRA)
5. Halic University (TUR)
6. UFR Staps Caen (FRA)
7. State Physical Culture and Sport Academy, Baku (AZE)
8. University of Life Sciencies, Wroclaw (POL)
9.University Jaume I de Castellon (ESP)
10. University of Jyvaskala (FIN)
11. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GRE)
12. Opole University of Technology (POL)
13. Politechnic Institute of Leiria (POR)
14. University of Cyprus (CYP)
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