EUC Football 2008 final results

EUC Football 2008 final results

The 6th European Universities Football Championship successfully finished on July 26, 2008 in Kiev (UKR).

The Championship started on July 20, 2008 with an Opening Ceremony held at the Stadium of National Tax Academy in Kiev. The participants were welcomed by the Minister of Education of the Ukrainian Government, deputy Minister of Sports and Youth, Rectors of the Ukrainian Universities, the representatives of the Football Federation of Ukraine and Student Sport Union of Ukraine and the EUSA delegates. The great show with more than 150 artists closed the official part.

15 men and 7 women teams from 13 European countries were present in Kiev. Spectators could enjoy watching high quality matches. The champions became the University of Caen (FRA) in men and the University of Madrid (ESP) in women competition.

You can find more information and photos on the event on its official website:

This was the first European Universities Championsip organised in Ukraine and EUSA would once again like to thank the Student Sport Union and the Organising Committee for the successful organisation of the event.



1.         University of Caen (FRA)
2.         IADP University of Kiev (UKR)
3.         National Technical University of Oil and Gas (UKR)
4.         Ruhr University Bochum (GER)
5.         University of Madrid (ESP)
6.         University of Nakhichivanskiy (AZ)
7.         University of Istanbul (TUR)
8.         University of Chieti (ITA)
9.         Academy of Physical Education Katowice (POL)
10.       University of Kharkov (UKR)
11.       University of Cyprus (CYP)
12.       ETH Zurich (SUI)
13.       University of Jyvaskyla (FIN)
14.       Sibir Federal University Krasnoyarsk (RUS)
15.       Tallin University of Technologies (EST)


1.         University of Madrid (ESP)
2.         Technical University of Munich (GER)
3.         University of Wroclaw (POL)
4.         University of D'artois Lievin (FRA)
5.         National University of Food Technology in Kiev (UKR)
6.         University of Valencia (ESP)
7.         ETH Zurich (SUI)
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