EUC Bridge starts

EUC Bridge starts

The Opening Ceremony of the 3rd European Universities Bridge Championship took place on 1st October, 2013 in Kraljevica at the Hotel Uvala Scott. The Ceremony was attended by Mr Haris Pavletic, President of the Organising Committee and EUSA Executive Member, Mr Jose Savoye, EUSA Executive Committee Member in the role of EUSA Representative, Mr Geert Magerman, EUSA Technical Delegate for Bridge, Mr Harry Van De Peppel, European Bridge League Representative, Mrs Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, representative of the University of Rijeka and Mr Sven Pal, Chairman of the Student Council of University of Rijeka. 

Mr Haris Pavletic, President of the Organising Committee welcoming participants


On behalf of the Organizing Committee participants were welcomed by OC president Haris Pavletić. EUSA EC Delegate Mr Jose Savoye welcomed all participants and wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competitions and all the best. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contributions.

Jose Savoye, EUSA EC Representative addressing participants


The competition is organized under the umbrella of EUSA by Rijeka University Sports Association and University of Rijeka, with contribution of Croatian University Sports Association, Bridge Sport Club Opatija and the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija.

Speakers and representatives of partner organisations


The main organizer of the 3rd European Universities Bridge Championship 2013 is Rijeka University Sport Association. The Association has good experience in organizing EUSA events - 7th European Universities Volleyball Championship in 2007, 6th European Universities Handball Championship in 2011. In the upcoming years the Association will host the World University Bridge Championship in 2014, 4th European Universities Taekwondo Championship in 2015 and be a local partner in the 3rd European Universities Games in 2016.

March pass of participants


The Championship is taking place from 30th September to 6th October 2013 in Kraljevica, hosting 11 teams from 10 European universities from 8 countries. 



More info can be found at

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