EUC Beach-Volleyball finished

EUC Beach-Volleyball finished
The 3rd European University Beach-Volleyball Championship, which took place from June 23rd - 26th, 2006 in Latina / Italy has finished. 22 men and 17 women university teams from 17 European countries took part in the championship, and this represents a new record according to the number of participating countries on the EUC. The championship was organised by the Italian University Sports Association (CUSI) together with the CUS Roma.


1. Humboldt University of Berlin, GER (Romberg - Fleming)
2. University of Ljubljana, SLO (Strel - Veber)
3. Silesian University of Technology of Gliwice , POL (Laz - Michon)
1. University of Granada, ESP (Correa - Hernan)
2. Humboldt University of Berlin, GER (Goetz - Karl)
3. University of Tubingen, GER (Schmeckenbecher - Ziethe)

You can find more results with photos on the official website of the event:

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