EUC Basketball to be hosted by Bologna in 2025

EUC Basketball to be hosted by Bologna in 2025

The city of Bologna in Italy will host the European Universities Basketball Championship in 2025. The event will take place from 6-13 July 2025.

An inspection visit was organized from 3-5 December, where EUSA Technical Delegate for Basketball Pascale Weiwers and EUSA Sports Coordinator Eszter Gulyas visited the north-central city of Bologna, to check on the ongoing preparations on behalf of the European University Sports Association.

Representing the Organizing Committee, present during the inspection visit were: Valeria Taraborrelli, President of the Organizing Committee and Vice-President of CUS Bologna; Gioacchino Chiappelli, Sport Program Manager; Matteo Galli, Sport Venue Manager; Maria Sole Vettore, Accreditation & Registration Manager; Giorgio Broglia, Member of the OC.

On the first day of the visit, the delegation had the first meeting with the OC to discuss the key functional areas of the preparation phase. Later they visited the accommodation for participants, the high standard The Sydney Hotel. As for closing the first day of the visit, a small downtown tour was organized to inspect the potential place for the opening ceremony, the precious Piazza Maggiore.

The second day was dedicated to the sports venue visits, namely Palestra Rodriguez, Palacus, and Record Sports Halls, and finally, the famous Paladozza Stadium.

The day concluded with institutional greetings from the university rector’s delegates, Prof. Gianluca Morini, Delegate of the Rector for Construction - University of Bologna, and Prof. Giacomo Bergamini, Delegate of the Rector for Sustainability – University of Bologna. They both expressed their support for the Championship, as the University of Bologna is a key partner of CUS Bologna in the organisation of the event.

Finally, the delegation visited the magnificent Santa Lucia, as another potential place for the opening ceremony.

EUSA team thanked the OC for the hospitality and congratulated them on the great preparations so far, highlighting that the organizers are planning to organize a technically demanding championship with a very good student atmosphere.

For more information about the European Universities Basketball Championship Bologna 2025, please visit:

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