EUC Basketball starts

EUC Basketball starts

The Opening Ceremony of the 2013 European Universities Basketball Championship took place on July 22 in Split, Croatia in the biggest square in the centre of town named Prokurative. The Ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia, Mr Želiko Jovanović, the Mayor of City of Split, Mr Ivo Baldasar, the Rector of Split University Mr Ivan Pavić, the President of Organizing Committee and Vice Rector Mrs Branka Ramljak and the President of Croatian Academic Sports Federation, Mr Zrinko Čustonja.

Entertainment programme


After a short show of Raspa’s acrobatic team, the moderators introduced universities participating in the Championship, twelve women and sixteen men teams from 14 different European countries, arriving in the square marching and presenting themselves on the stage. Unit X, a modern dance group, concluded this first part with a short show.

Mr Romano Isler


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, participants were welcomed by its President, Mrs Branka Ramljak. After this welcome, EUSA delegate, Mr Romano Isler, on behalf of European University Sports Association, thanked all the participants to the Ceremony, particularly members of Organizing Committee and teams together with referees, wishing them all the best success. After him, the Mayor of Split Mr Ivo Baldasar and the Minister Mr Željko Jovanović gave their speeches and, finally, the Minister declared the Championship open.

Minister Mr Jovanovic


A wonderful evening, with a lot of persons attending the event, begun after the opening declaration, with EUSA flag arriving from the Prokurative, and elevated, in front of the flags of Croatia, European Union and city of Split. This moment was accompanied by the Gaudeamus Igitur, performed by women Klapa group. Unit X concluded the official evening with a second performance celebrating basketball championship.  



The competition is organized by Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF), the University of Split and Split University Sport Association, directed by Toni Gamulin. The slogan “Split believes, Split achieves” describes perfectly the spirit of the Organizers and of the whole City. The Championship will take place from 21 to 28 of July in Sports Center Gripe and Basketball Club Split hall.

Athletes' Oath


EUSA is represented by Mr Romano Isler from Italy, member of Executive Committee and the Technical Delegate is Mr Peter George from Germany, accompanied by his assistant Mr Markos Michaelides from Switzerland. They will make the best helping the OC so that the event would run smoothly and without problems. 


More info can be found at

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