EUC Basketball 3x3 starts

EUC Basketball 3x3 starts

The Opening Ceremony of the 1st European Universities Basketball 3x3 Championship took place on August 20 in Rotterdam at the Erasmus University in the Erasmus Sport Center. The Ceremony was attended by Mr Bart Straatman, Vice-President of the Erasmus University, Mr Daniël Sikkens, president of the board of Erasmus Sport Foundation, EUSA Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor and Mr Patrik Perosa, EUSA Sports Manager. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, participants were welcomed by Mr Jack Jacobs, Sports Manager.

Welcome speeches by the Organisers


EUSA Executive Committee Delegate Mr Tabor welcomed all participants and wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competitions and all the best. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contributions.

Mr Olaf Tabor opening the Championship


The competition is organized by the Dutch Student Sport Association and Erasmus University Rotterdam, with contribution of Erasmus Sport, Foundation 2nd European Universities Championship 2014 and Students basketball club EBV Baros. The event will conclude on Wednesday, August 21.

EUSA Flag being brought in by the volunteers


This is the first edition of the Basketball 3x3, also referred to as street basketball, as the European Universities Championship, so all participants are part of history making! Erasmus Sport worked closely together with the organizers of the 2nd European Universities Games 2014, coming up next summer, also in Rotterdam. This is a great way to get familiar with the campus, Rotterdam and some of the sport venues.

Athletes and officials at the Opening Ceremony


EUSA is represented by Mr Olaf Tabor, with attendance also by Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Patrik Perosa, and the Technical Delegate is Mr Ilan Kowalski. They will make sure that the event runs smoothly and without problems. The Competition is hosting 12 men and 10 women teams from as many as 22 Universities from 19 countries. 


More info can be found at

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