EUC Basketball 3x3 open for registration

EUC Basketball 3x3 open for registration

Basketball 3x3 is the youngest sport introduced in the sports program of the European University Sports Association (EUSA). The 1st edition of the Championship starts this year in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. As one of the most attractive outdoor sport was organized for the first time last year also by FISU, recognising the biggest strength of 3x3 as “the simplicity both in terms or rules and in terms of required facilities, allowing it to be held in the most spectacular settings, using iconic landmarks as backdrops.” Nowadays with over 250 million players worldwide 3x3 is ranked among the most played recreational sports on the planet, an important part of them being students. 


Hopefully the European Universities Basketball 3x3 Championship will become one of most wanted competitions in EUSA program due to the simplicity to participate and compete. The first EUC Basketball 3x3 event will be held in the heart of the Erasmus University Campus in Rotterdam, the same place of the second edition of European Universities Games next year. 


Universities, Athletes and fans around Europe are warmly welcome to take part in the unique first time ever EUC Basketball 3x3 in the period August 19-21, 2013 in Rotterdam. Places are limited to 16 men and 16 women teams, so register as soon as possible (General Entry deadline is May 1, 2013), and reserve your place in the Championship.

If you are interested to take part, please contact your the University Sports Association in your country to register!


For more information about the event, please see

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