EUC Basketball 3x3 in Rotterdam concludes

EUC Basketball 3x3 in Rotterdam concludes
The premier edition of the European Universities Basketball 3x3 Championship has concluded on August 21 with the finals and alosing Ceremony at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. 
Over 80 participants representing 19 universities from 10 countries took part in the first edition of the event which took place in Rotterdam, the host city of the next year's European Universities Games.

Men's matches
In men’s competition, the title of champions went to the University of Split from Croatia who won a thrilling final match against the University of Kragujevac from Serbia.

In women's finals, the champions became the team of the University of Poitiers from France after winning the finals against the University of Tartu from Estonia.

Awarding ceremony
Medals and awards were presented by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and the President of foundation Erasmus Sport Mr Daniel Sikkens.

At the end, the EUSA flag was passed to the representatives of the University of Kragujavic in Serbia, as the next edition of the event will be held there in 2015.
More info can be found at


Winning team men - University of Split

1. University of Split (CRO)
2. University of Kragujevac (SRB)
3. University of Lorraine (FRA)

Winning team - women: University of Poitiers
1. University of Poitiers (FRA)
2. University of Tartu (EST)
3. University of National and World Economy (BUL)
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