EUC Basketball 2011 starts

EUC Basketball 2011 starts

The Opening Ceremony of the 11th European Universities Basketball Championship was held on 13th of July, at the Vista Alegre Sports Hall in Cordoba. The Ceremony was attended by the major of Cordoba, Mr. Jose Antonio Nieto, and the president of the Andalusian Basketball Federation, Mr. Rafael Rojano.

Welcome by Mr Torres

On behalf of the Organizing Committee participants were welcomed by Mr Manuel Torres, chairman of the OC and University of Cordoba vice-rector.

Other speakers, including EUSA representative Mr Roczek
EUSA EC Delegate, Mr. Adam Roczek, welcomed all participants and wished all the best for the athletes and officials who came to test their skills and abilities. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contribution in EUSA development.

Oath of the athletes

Since 2008, University of Cordoba has been involved in not only EUSA but also FISU events, hosting not only European but also World championships for students. Experience achieved in the past will for sure help all participants attending enjoy a successful tournament. Championship will take place from the 13th to the 20th of July and EUSA Technical Delegates for basketball, Mr. Peter George and Mr. Ulf Öhrman will help the OC in technical issues, making sure that the event will go smoothly and without problems.

Hosts addressing Participating teams

The tournament will host 18 male teams and 12 female teams, representing 29 universities from 17 different countries. Last year’s champions in both, male (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) and female (University of Belgrade, Serbia) tournaments, will try hard to keep their status as European Universities Champions, but for sure they won’t have it that easy as first 4 teams qualified last year are also attending.

EUSA flag

If to all those we add some other good universities teams, what else may be needed to have the best championship possible? Just you to come!

Updated info and pictures can be found at and

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