EUC Badminton 2010 starts

EUC Badminton 2010 starts

The mayor of Nancy (France), city which hosts 7th European Universities Badminton Championship declared the Championship open on Tuesday, June 15th. Championship is organized by French University Sports Federation and Nancy Regional Committee of University Sport supported by many public and private partners.

Christophe Millard, Organizing Committee Chairman thanks EUSA for its decision to attribute the Championship to Nancy. ‘Nancy is very proud to host such an important event,’ Mr Millard said, ‘we believe that organization of European Universities Badminton Championship in Nancy gives new impact for development of badminton within European universities’.


Arnaud Lanois (OC), Bastian Kruse (EUSA TD), Christophe Millard (Chairman of the OC) and Valentin Dupouey (OC)

The first success of the Championship has been already reached. The number of participants as well as number of registered Universities is the highest ever.

Daily results, bulletins, photo gallery and live broadcasting from competition venue you will find at, championship’s official website.


1    University of Vienna    (AUT)
2    Universidad Catholica San Antonio    (ESP)
3    Tallinn University of Technology    (EST)
4    Tampere University of Technology    (FIN)
5    University du Littoral    (FRA)
6    Paris 11 University    (FRA)
7    University de Strasbourg    (FRA)
8    University de Dijon    (FRA)
9    University de Bordeaux    (FRA)
10    University of Rouen    (FRA)
11    University of Creteil    (FRA)
12    University de Rennes    (FRA)
13    University of Birmingham    (GBR)
14    University of Bath    (GBR)
15    Loughborough University    (GBR)
16    Saarland University    (GER)
17    Technische Universitat Munchen    (GER)
18    WG Hamburg    (GER)
19    University of Duisburg-Essen    (GER)
20    Trinity College Dublin    (IRL)
21    AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow    (POL)
22    University School of Physical Education in Cracow    (POL)
23    University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn    (POL)
24    University of Finance and Management Bialystok    (POL)
25    University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz    (POL)
26    University of Coimbra    (POR)
27    University of Minho    (POR)
28    University of Lisbon    (POR)
29    University of Madeira    (POR)
30    Nizhny Novgorod State University    (RUS)
31    Saratov State Academy of Law    (RUS)
32    University of Berne    (SUI)
33    Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen    (SUI)
34    University of Economics in Bratislava    (SVK)
35    Anadolu University    (TUR)
36    National Technical University Kharkov     (UKR)

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