EU Programmes and Funds Conference in Croatia

EU Programmes and Funds Conference in Croatia

Organisers of the European Universities Games 2016 Zagreb-Rijeka and the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) prepared a high level conference in Opatija, Croatia on May 23 and 24, focused on EU Programmes and Funds.


The Conference was formally opened by Mr Gordan Kozulj on behalf of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation and the Organisers of the European Universities Games Zagreb – Rijeka 2016.

Panel with keynote speakers


The first panel was chaired by Mr Marko Zunic and the presentations and debates focused on the challenges lying ahead, featuring key-note speakers Mr Zeljko Jovanovic, Minister of Science, Eduaction and Sports of Republic of Croatia; Mr Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of City of Rijeka; Mr Zrinko Custonja, President of Croatian Academic Sports Federation; Mr Ivo Dujmic, Mayor of City of Opatija and Mrs Snjezana Prijic Samarzija, Vice-Rector of the University of Rijeka.

Minister Jovanovic

European University Sports Association (EUSA) was also represented at the event by Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager. 

Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager


The event introduced the topics of EU policies, programmes and funds relevant for delegate’s project initiatives, including the relevant programmes and topics of Horizon 2020, Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME), Europe for Citizens, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund, Erasmus plus Program and other programmes and funding opportunities.

Mr Gordan Kozulj


The objectives were to identify the most suitable partners for regional development and deliver the relevant information, access and tools to qualify for and participate in the EU sponsored initiatives. On Friday May 23 the participants were made award of the project initiatives with useful and practical information on programs, funds, requirements, timing etc. On Saturday May 24 Conference the focus was on practical, hands-on work, preparation and coaching in subgroups around special interests and needs.

Mrs Iwona Karwot


The event was held under the patronage of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Ministry of Labour and Pension System and supported by GFA Consulting Group South East Europe and Balkan Security Network. The conference was aimed at the Croatian Ministries, Cities/Municipalities, Universities and higher education institutions, regions, counties and self-governments, business leaders and SME sector, regional development agencies and other organisations with the capacity for high impact projects, NGOs, media and other interested public.

Mr Bosko Nektarijevic


Among the speakers were also (in the order of the programme) Mr Luka Rajcic from the Ministry of Labour and Pension System; Mr Steve Quarrie and Mr Bosko Nektarijevic from BSN, Mrs Iwona Karwot from the European Institute of Public Administration; Mr Thomas Jacob from the City of Hamburg; Mr Antonija Gladovic from te Agency for mobility and EU programmes; Mr Ivica Perica and Mr Gorda Kozulj from Deloitte; Mr Andrej Grebenc from the European Commission; Mrs Anke Kusel from GFA Consulting Group.
Conference banner

The 3rd European Universities Games (EUG 2016) is a multi-sport student event, which will take place in the cities of Rijeka and Zagreb. In July 2016, 5000 students coming from more than 40 European countries and representing 300 different universities in Europe.


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