EU Commission 2024-2029 mandate starts
Today, the mandate of the 2024-2029 college of the European Commission, under the second Presidency of Ursula von der Leyen officially starts and the new Commission takes office.
Over the next five years, the Commission aims to work on seven ambitious political priorities to make Europe stronger, safer and fairer. These are Competitiveness, Security and Defence, European Social Fairness, Quality of Life, Democracy and our Values, A Global Europe, and EU Budget and Reform.
Under the Presidency of Ursula von der Leyen, the College of Commissioners has 6 Vice-Presidents and 20 Commissioners, reflecting the ambitions set out in the Political Guidelines for the 2024-2029 mandate of the European Commission.
Glenn Micallef from Malta is the new Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport.
European University Sports Association (EUSA) congratulates them on the recent election and nomination, and today’s official start of the mandate. We wish the entire team all the best in their work, with plenty of success and satisfaction. EUSA remains committed to work together with the European Commission in promoting European values, supporting and developing sport in higher education, as well as in general.
If you are interested to know more about the priorities and composition of the new Commission, please see