ESU Conference Quest for Quality

ESU Conference Quest for Quality

The European Students Union's (ESU) Quest for Quality Conference took place in Valletta, Malta, from 29 November to 1 December 2012, followed by the 63rd ESU Board Meeting. The events bring together leaders of National Unions of Students in almost 40 countries.


European University Sports Association (EUSA) was present at the conference, being represented by Ms Kaisa Myllylä, Student Commission (EUSA STC) member.

Presentation by EUSA Student Commission Member Ms Kaisa Myllylä


Prior to the conference a survey was made for the participants to evaluate the importance of sport in student life and the role of students in university sport in different countries. University sport is seen as fairly important in the respondents’ countries, and students seem to play an active role in organizing university sport as well. However, on a national level in most countries National Unions of Students don’t pay attention to university sport, and the National University Sport Associations are not well known to most.


Ms Myllylä also presented the results of the survey during the ESU Board Meeting on Sunday, 2 December. She also introduced the basic activities of EUSA and the STC, and encouraged students to open discussions on a national level to create more cooperation between university sport and the student movement. The presentation was well received and invoked many questions and suggestions from the participants.

ESU Chair Karina Ufert, EUSA STC Member Kaisa Myllyla, ESU Vice-Chair Taina Moisander and ESU Vice-Chair Rok Primozic


The event continues with EUSA Board Meeting until Tuesday, 4 December, and the meeting is expected to adopt new policy documents, also concerning student health and sport.


The European Students' Union (ESU) is an umbrella organisation of National Unions of Students (NUS) from several European countries. Among others, ESU presents and advocates the educational, social, economical and cultural interests of students at the European level.

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