EOC General Assembly held in Frankfurt

The elective 54th European Olympic Committees (EOC) General Assembly was held in Frankfurt, Germany from 28 February-1 March, shaping a bright future for European sport to build on recent successes.
The European Olympic Committee (EOC) Executive Committee met in Frankfurt, Germany, prior to the 54th EOC General Assembly. This meeting marked the final session under the current mandate before elections for the new EC and EOC Director positions. President Spyros Capralos and eight EC members stood for re-election for the 2025-2028 term.
During the General Assembly, Mr Capralos was unanimously re-elected as EOC President, along with Vice-President Daina Gudzineviciute and Treasurer Peter Mennel. Carlo Mornati was elected as the new Secretary General. The new EC includes six re-elected and six newly elected members, achieving gender parity.
The Executive Committee consists of Mihai Covaliu (Romania), Liney Rut Halldorsdottir (Iceland), Danka Hrbekova (Bartekova) (Slovakia), Victoria Cabezas (Spain), Annamarie Phelps (Great Britain), Jean Michel Saive (Belgium), Franjo Bobinac (Slovenia), Thomas Weikert (Germany), Emma Terho (Finland), Zlatko Matesa (Croatia), Jose Manuel Araujo (Portugal), and Anneke Van Zanen-Nieberg (Netherlands).
The Assembly included reports on the EOC EU Office, the EOC Strategic Agenda 2030, updates on the preparations for the Summer EYOF 2025 in Skopje, and the Winter and Summer EYOFs in Brasov, and future EYOFs, confirming host cities for 2029 (Flanders, Belgium) and 2031 (Liepaja, Latvia). The EOC Olympic Laurel Awards were presented to distinguished figures in European sport.
The signing of the agreement at the 54th EOC General Assembly marked the official confirmation that Europe’s premier multi-sport event 2027 European Games will be held in Türkiye’s largest city Istanbul in two years’ time.
Following approval from the EOC members at the 53rd EOC General Assembly in June 2023, the Host City Contract will enable preparations in Istanbul to accelerate, with the full sport programme for the fourth edition of the European Games to be confirmed later this year.
In his closing remarks, President Spyros Capralos emphasized the commitment to strengthening the European Olympic Movement, setting the first meeting of the new EC for March 6.
Budapest, Hungary, was announced as the host city for the 55th General Assembly in October 2026.
For more information, please see: eurolympic.org
ph.: eurolympic.org