08. 12. 2003
Entry Fees
The decided to change the principle of general entry fees for
EUSA-Events in order to make it transparent and applicable for all
other future EUSA-events. From 2004 on all participants of the EUCs
(team- and individual sports) and the Symposium will be charged with a
one-time general entry fee of 20 Euro. This will displace the former
principle of 100 Euro per team in team-sports and fees per athlete in
individual sports. Also, once entered an general entry the NUSAs will be charged with a
deposit of 200 Euro in Football, Futsal, Basketball and Volleyball and
of 50 Euro in Beach-Volleyball, Tennis, Karate and Cross Country which
will not be refunded even if the team is withdrawn later. The charge
will be adjusted according to the quantitative entry and will be
collected at the event itself by the members of the SCAC.