Enlarged Rectors Union meeting in Russia

Enlarged Rectors Union meeting in Russia

On Friday June 3rd, 2011 the enlarged meeting of the Presidium of Russian Rectors Union held by RRU President, rector of Moscow State University Victor Sadovnichiy took place in Moscow State University. The main themes of discussion were networking cooperation between higher education institutions and perspectives of university sports development.


RRS President Mr Sadovnichiy

The President of the Russian Students Sport Union (RSSU) Mr Oleg Matytsin made the presentation on the tendencies of university sports development and international cooperation in the sphere of university sports movement, project of the signing the Agreement on cooperation between RSSU and The Eurasian Association of Universities.


Mr Oleg Matytsin

In his presentation Oleg Matytsin gave special attention to the project of FISU International Education Center being built at the moment on the basis of the Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. The main aims of the IEC - implementation of international educational programs for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, assembling the research platform for the international university sports movement.


Best basketball players

In the framework of the RRU meeting the ceremony of closing out the regular Association of Students Basketball (ASB) season 2010/2011 was held. The winners - Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin (men), Russian State Agricultural University (women) and the best players were presented by awards from Association of Students Basketball and Russian Basketball Federation.

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