ENAS Conference 2011

ENAS Conference 2011

The 14th ENAS Conference was organised in Antwerp, Belgium November 9-12, 2011. Over 100 participants took part in the conference, including EUSA representative Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, EC member.


The guests were welcomed by the Organising Committee and ENAS President Mr Neil Mosley.

The first day of the 14th ENAS Conference was kicked off with a welcoming speech by Francis baron Van Loon, Honorary Rector of the University of Antwerp. Main theme of this year’s conference was “Heart of the Campus. Strategic Positioning and Marketing of Sport in Universities.”


EUSA Representative Mr Garbaliauskas (second from right) at the Welcome event


The speakers on the first day presented the audience with strategies for lobbying and emphasized the importance of strategy. In the afternoon workshops continued on these topics in smaller groups to work out practical ideas.

ENAS Conference


The second day of the conference brought the participants amongst others a possibility to learn about the legacy the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. This day also brought presentations of the ENAS Conference sponsors and during the poster session, ENAS members presented their own strategies.

Mr Bart OOijen, EC Sport Unit representative

EAS presented the information on the dual career. After the official conference program, it was time for some sporting activities, in the mean of the Asbjorn Cup. The Vikings competed against the Warriors.


Sport activities


The final day of the conference brought a presentation of the 2012 conference host: University of Lisbon. Later, during the General Assembly a new Executive Committee was elected. The new ENAS President became Mr Duarte Lopes.

New ENAS President Mr Lopes

The closing dinner was set in a beautiful surroundings in the city centre. During the dinner, London City University was awarded € 1.000 for winning the ENAS Award.


ENAS Award 2011: City University London

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