EADIn coordination meeting

EADIn coordination meeting

The partners in the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn) met at a coordination working meeting on November 17 in Frankfurt, Germany. At the meeting several representatives of the partner organisations, including the European University Sports Association - EUSA, which is one of the core partners in the project, were present.


The participants discussed the implementation of the EADIn programme - spreading the anti-doping mentality within the structures of the partnet organisations, final conference in Innsbruck, EADIn training tool, website and promotion an administrative matters reated to the project.

Planning process at the partner's meeting


EUSA, which was represented by Mr Andrej Pisl, Communications Manager, reported on the activities carried out within the scope of the organisation in 2011, including the work of the Anti-Doping Junior Ambassadors, activities at the European Universities Championship, promotion in the EUSA promotional materials and media channels, work at the National University Sports Associations' level and also presented the planned activities in 2012.

Innbruck - venue of the 1st Youth Olympics in January 2012


Next major EADIn event is the Final Conference, which will take place on January 14 and 15, during the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria.

Funded byThe European Anti-Doping Initiative is funded by the EU programme Preparatory Action in the field of sport, and promotes healthy sports participation, without drugs. More information is avaiable online at www.anti-doping-initiative.eu or at the Facebook page of the project: www.facebook.com/no2doping.

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