Dutch meeting before EUSA Games

Dutch meeting before EUSA Games
On June 21, the Dutch team captains meeting took place at the office of the Dutch Students Sports Association. The team captains of various sports and Universities gathered in preparation for the 1st European Universities Games 2012 in Cordoba. After a welcome coffee and tea, followed by the introduction round for the team captains, the president of Student Sports Netherlands, Jesper Borst, spoke. He briefly explained the role of the Dutch Students Sports Association and specifically what they do for the participants of the EUSA Games 2012. All team captains were then asked to fill in a brief questionnaire to measure their expectations about the EUSA Games 2012. 

Hester de Vries addressing the Team Captains
Thereafter Hester de Vries took the floor, as overall Head of Delegation of the participating Dutch teams at EUSA Games 2012. Various practical matters were discussed, such as accommodation, transport, sports, food, etc. The team captains were well prepared and asked many questions. Hester also asked, on behalf of the 2nd European Universities Games - EUGames 2014 Rotterdam, the team captains to fill in the expectation questionnaire by all Dutch team members, about writing a ‘diary’ during the Games, and finally after the Games to fill in a customer satisfaction survey. The purpose of this survey is to get a good picture of what the participants think about the Games and therefore the EUGames2014 in Rotterdam can learn from it.

Dutch team captains taking notes
Hans van Rooijen, Chef d'equipe of multiple Universiades, was also present at the team captains meeting and with his experience he could give good advice to the Dutch team captains. A final round of questions at the end of the evening, a team photo was made with all team captains together conclude the evening. Afterword’s there was the opportunity to socialize in the sports bar of the University Sports Centre Olympos, Utrecht. The final preparations can start now and the Dutch teams are looking forward to the EUSA Games 2012!
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