Delegation of University Sport Federation of Serbia visits EUSA Office

Delegation of University Sport Federation of Serbia visits EUSA Office

At the occasion of the EUSA Water Polo Cup in Koper, Slovenia, a delegation of the University Sport Federation of Serbia (USSS) also visited the office of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) in Ljubljana on July 12.

The Serbian delegation was welcomed by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, as well as other EUSA staff members. Ms Marija Armus, Barbara Izgarevic and a reporter of Sportindeks portal Ms Andelija Milovanovic are also actively promoting the 5th edition of the European Universities Games, which will take place in Belgrade, Serbia in 2020. The next European Universities Games will otherwise take place in Coimbra, Portugal in July next year.

EUSA and USSS team

Serbia has already hosted several EUSA events, next one starts tomorrow - the European Universities Rowing Championship 2017 in Subotica. Prior to hosting thethe European Universities Games 2020, two more European Universities Championships will be hosted in this country in 2019 - Sport Climbing in Belgrade and Volleyball in Zrenjanin.

For more information about the University Sport Federation of Serbia, please see

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