Croatian delegation visits EUSA

Croatian delegation visits EUSA

On December 23, 2010 the delegation of the Croatian University Sports Federation (CUSF) visited the EUSA office to meet with Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General and Mr Andrej Pisl, Communication Manager on a working meeting.

On the occasion of the first visit to the recently opened new EUSA premises, Mr Zrinko Custonja, CUSF President on the behalf of his federation presented a special gift for the EUSA employees.


EUSA and CUSF meeting

Mr Pecovnik thanked Mr Custonja for the gift presented and at the same time congratulated him for his recent re-election as the CUSF President. 'Croatia is one of our most active member federations and I hope our very good cooperation will continue also in the future' he added.


Mr Pecovnik gives presents to Mr Custonja

Mr Ronald Stamberger, Secretary General presented the intention of Croatia to organise the European Universities Basketball Championship in 2013. 'We have successfully organised already four EUSA Championships and one Symposium and proved ourselves as good organisers, so we hope to be chosen again' Mr Stamberger added.

Mr Haris Pavletic, CUSF Vice-President presented the recently published Magazine on the University Sports Movement in Croatia and the CUSF Almanac in which all the activities of the federation from 2001 are described. He also presented a progress report on the European Universities Handball Championship to be organised in Rijeka in July 2011.


Delegation members enjoy Christmas spirit in Ljubljana

After the meeting the delegation members enjoyed a dinner and a sightseeing walk in the Christmas-lit Ljubljana.

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