Croatian Declaration on bidding for EUSA Games 2016

Croatian Declaration on bidding for EUSA Games 2016
Last weekend, on June 7, a ceremony was held in palace Dverce in Zagreb, Croatia, attended by many prominent people from the world of sports and politics.
In the first part of the ceremony, representatives of the Croatian University Sports Federation, City of Zagreb, City of Rijeka and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport as well as representatives of the University of Rijeka and University of Zagreb have signed a joint Declaration of candidacy for the 3rd European Universities Games which they wish to organize in Zagreb and Rijeka in the year 2016.
The signing of the document is a sign of great support of the Croatian government, leaderships of largest cities and universities in Croatia to university sport and hopefully marks the beginning of the great momentum in the development of the Croatian University sports.

Signing of the declaration
The representatives of the CUSF hope that their strong desire and ability to organize the third edition of the European Universities Games will be recognized by the members of EUSA which they will try to justify through the excellent organization of the EUSA Games in Zagreb and Rijeka in 2016.
After signing the declaration, the present guests reminisced about the 1987 Summer Universiade in Zagreb. They agreed that it is still the most important sporting event ever held in Croatia. The leading people from the Organising Committee of the 1987 Universiade reminded the participants about the positive outcomes of organizing that event.
After returning to 1987 through the memories of people who have organized the largest university sports event, all participants were even more confident that they would like to organize the 3rd European Universities Games and thereby contribute to the development of university sport in Croatia and Europe.
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