Counting down to 2024 IDUS and EWOS

Counting down to 2024 IDUS and EWOS

Today marks one month to go until September’s International Day of University Sport and the European Week of Sport, continuing promotion of physical activity and healthy lifestyles. 

An annual tradition since 2016, the 20th of September is the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), officially proclaimed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO). The celebration of this day helps create links between universities and their local communities with sport, physical activity and healthy living playing the leading role.

The day of celebration presents an opportunity to share knowledge on key issues relating to the development of sport and the University Sports Movement worldwide, and to improve awareness of the importance of sport in educational institutions, as well as FISU’s mission, current programmes, policies and priorities.

IDUS 2024 will be the ninth year since the campaign kicked off. Every year, great number of activities are organised across the globe in all five continents. This year, it is going to be a continuation of the tradition.

For more information about the #LetsIDUS campaign, please visit 

Shortly after the culmination of IDUS 2024 celebrations, the 10th edition of the European Week of Sport (EWOS) and the #BeActive campaign, and the #HealthyLifestyle4All initiative, both introduced by the European Commission, will start. As every year, it will take place between 23 and 30 September across Europe and beyond. 

The EWoS is a response to this challenge and reflects sport’s strong potential to strengthen tolerance and reinforce citizenship throughout Europe. Promoting the role of sport as a means of social inclusion helps address ongoing challenges in European society - and everyone is invited to take part, regardless of their background, age or fitness level.

In 2024, the messages will also align with the values of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is an opportunity to share common values of sustainability, education and equality.

This years priorities are: inclusion - sport is for everybody; well-being - a step towards happiness; and belonging - we are a community. 

The opening ceremony of the European Week of Sport 2024 will take place in Budapest, Hungary on 23 September 2024. Last year’s edition of the EWOS saw 11,002,234 participants united in 37,335 events held across Europe, involving 40 participating countries.

Together with national coordinators and partner organisations, among them also EUSA as an official partner, the goal of the week-long #BeActive campaign, which takes place annually from 23-30 September, is to make Europe healthier, and promote healthy living across all sectors of society through several varying activities, demonstrations and festivals around the continent. The #HealthyLifestyle4All initiative incorporates physical activity, but also looks wider into the elements of healthy lifestyle, across all generations.

More information about the EWOS 2024 can be found at 

European University Sports Association (EUSA) will join the celebration of the International Day of University Sport and the European Week of Sport this September with different actitivies, as well as calling and inviting everyone - especially our members and partners to join us in celebrating, organising and/or attending activities!


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