Convention on university sport in HUN

Convention on university sport in HUN

Hungarian University Sport Federation - HUSF organised a national convention in the beginning of October, with participation of all parties involved in university sports.

A famous sports-historical location was chosen for the event, the Olympic Centre and training camp in Tata which have been contributing to the Hungarian sports successes for over 60 years. Besides the heads of university sports departments, leaders of university sports clubs and members of HUSF Technical Commissions have also been invited. Although the annual HUSF programmes and results are being discussed during the General Assembly, this time a comprehensive presentation analyzed the work of the federation embracing the last 5 years. The audience has also been informed about the guidelines of the sports policy of the new Hungarian government.


HUSF President dr. Vincze Pal

Dr. Vincze Pal HUSF ad-interim president greeted the participants and declared the convention open, followed by the presentation of Dr. Csaba Hedi, HUSF General Secretary.


HUSF Secretary General dr Hedi Csaba

Achievements of the 3 major areas covered by the work of HUSF were analysed: National University Championships organized in 38 sports and games; Sports for All; International events and their results. The latter does not only mean participation at world university sports events, but also intensive activity in organizing world championships as well as their edification. Representatives of the state sports governance appreciated the undiminished, authentic and successful work of HUSF and guaranteed the continuous support of the federation in the future. Performers gave an insight on different sport structures of the institutes of higher education, representatives of university clubs sketched in the factors strengthening the sections of their clubs.


Zoltan Rakaczki

Mr Zoltan Rakaczki, a member of the EUSA Student Commission, was also present at the convention and actively contributed in the discussions.

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