City Events and FISU Meeting in BEL

City Events and FISU Meeting in BEL

From November 17-20, 2010 the City of Brussels hosted two important events: the FISU Executive Committee Meeting and City Events Conference.

The 1st City Events Conference was organised by FISU and GL Events. The City Events is the first international conference that brought together cities interested in hosting international sporting competitions as well as international and continental sports organizations looking for ambitious hosts for their events.




This year's conference theme ‘From Sport Event to Citywide Experience’ aimed at strengthening the bond among all these stakeholders to create events that are much more than just sporting competitions, but which are for the benefit of all. The event was opened by the FISU President Mr George E. Killian.


FISU President, George E Killian opening the Conference

At the same time, the FISU Executive Committee Meeting was organised. A day before the meeting started, the Committee for the Development of University Sport (CDSU) was held. At the meeting the delegates of all the Continental Federations gave an overview of their activities. Mr Gualtieri, EUSA President and Mr Pecovnik, Secretary General presented the projects that EUSA realised in 2010 with a support of FISU. The CDSU approved the reports, agreed on the proposal of the administrative cooperation plan for 2011-2015 and discussed the WADA University Pilot Project.


CSDU Meeting

The FISU EC Meeting started on November 18, 2010 with the reports on the FISU strategy, activities and finances presented by Mr Killian, President, Mr Bayasgalan, Treasurer and Mr Saintrond, Secretary General.  After that the reports from Mr. Bergh, Chair of the CDSU, Mrs. Burk, Chair of the Women’s Committee, Mr. Eder, Chair of the Press Committee, Mr. Gallien, CESU Chair and Mr Rink, Medical Committee Chair were given.


FISU WUC Committee


The next day Mr Jasnic, Chair and Mr Pecovnik, Vice-Chair of World University Championships Committee presented their report, after which FISU attributed six new 2012 World University Championships, that brings the number of already attributed to 24. All at this meeting nominated organisers come from Europe: Futsal (Braga, Portugal), Sport Shooting (Kazan, Russia), Canoë Sprint (Kazan, Russia), Weightlifting (Eilat, Israel), Long Track Speed Skating (Zakopane, Poland) and Orienteering (Alicante, Spain).


For more information on the conference, please visit or

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