CIS and Eastern Europe University Sports Seminar in Kazan

CIS and Eastern Europe University Sports Seminar in Kazan
The Russian Student Sport Union with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan organized the CIS and Eastern Europe University Sports Seminar, which took place from April 19-22, 2007 in Kazan (RUS).


More than 50 representatives of the National University Sports Associations participated on the event, together with the Presidents and the Secretary Generals of FISU and continental university sports organizations. Present on the seminar were also the leaders of the State Duma of Russian Federation, Heads of the Federal Agency of Physical Culture and Sports, Federal Agency of Education, Russian Olympic Committee and other leaders of sport and public organizations in Kazan.


EUSA was presented by its President Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik. EUSA Executive Committee Members Sinisa Jasnic, Leonz Eder, Oleg Matytsin, Rafael Gil Salinas, Kemal Tamer and Adam Roczek were also present in Kazan.

The Seminar was started with welcome speeches of Mr. Shaymiev and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mr. Naryshkin, the Deputy State Chairman of Russian Federation Government; followed by the speeches of Mr. George E. Killian, President of FISU, Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, President of EUSA, Mr. Oleg Matytsin, RSSU President and Mr. Roch Campana, FISU Secretary General.


At the end of the official part of the Seminar in Kazan Oleg Matytsin, President of the Russian Students Sport Union presented a resolution which was accepted by all participants. All the representatives from CIS and Eastern Europe as well as the delegates from EUSA, FASU, AUSF and COSUD agreed in principle on this resolution which is considered to be an important part of the future policy of FISU.

International scientific-practical seminar based on problems of student sport in CIS and countries of Eastern Europe with support of FISU international scientific-practical seminar based on problems of student sport in CIS and countries of Eastern Europe was hosted from April 19th to 22nd, 2007 in Kazan, Russia. The seminar was held in accordance with a plan of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), specialists and scientist from 30 countries of the world took part in it.

The organizer of this activity was the Russian Student Sport Union and the government of the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of FISU, and with the cooperation of CIS, Eastern European and Central Asian Universities. Present at the scientific-practical seminar were presidents of student sport organizations of Eastern European countries, CIS, the presidents of FISU, European Association of Student Sport, African Federation of Student Sport, and representatives of the student movement of Latin America countries.

At the plenary session that was opened by the President of Russian Student Sport Union Oleg Matytsyn the speech was said by the Head of the State Machinary, Deputy Chairman of Russian Federation Government S. Naryshkin, by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan M. Shaymiev, and by FISU President G. Killian.

Leaders of the State Duma of Russian Federation, Heads of the federal agency of physical culture and sports, the federal agency of education, the Olympic Committee of Russia, scientists, leaders of youth sport and public organizations of Kazan city also took part in the seminar. The work of the seminar was conducted in three main scientific directions:
1. Legal, organizational, administrative, economic and informational basements of student sports;
2. Interaction between regional, national and international student sport organizations;
3. Tendencies of development of student movement in CIS and the East European region.

In the process of discussion scientific, methodical and practical problems of basement of student sport, tendencies of its development, interaction between various student sport organizations were summarized. Discussions on these and other problems helped to determine the most prospective directions of student sport development on an international level. Besides, that the opportunities for student sport development in the world depend on the present structure of student organizations, on the level of national student sport associations, as well as regional associations, which in turn, on the continental level realize the interaction with leading organs and machinery of Government of world student sport organization (FISU).

The participants of the seminar confirm expediency of continuation the traditions of holding international scientific-practical forums devoted to the problems of modern student sport and inviting the leading scientists of host countries. This stimulates the activity of student sport development, and let strengthen historically founded cultural space, informational contacts and prospective integration processes for widening the international sport and scientific ties, for the sake of student sport development.

At the same time, present social and economic differences between the countries are considered to be serious bars on the international student sport movement development.

The participants of the seminar rise the proposals:
1. to determine the main task of the Executive Committee of FISU as a preparation and realization of the working Project of international student sport development, the main goal of which will become the decrease of the above mentioned economic and social differences.
2. CIS and East European countries show the intention to play a fundamental role in the support of FISU initiatives in execution of the above mentioned Project.
3. to work out and realize the program of student sport movement activities, which should be made by the elected next General Assembly Executive Committee of FISU. The program is based on the following principles:
- revision of present situation in the world student sport movement, rational investments in this sphere;
- support of student sport organizations activities by continental associations, creation of funds for financing the development and popularization of student sport in certain countries;
- financing the projects in terms of student sport activities in several countries on the level of national, regional and continental associations;
- encouragement of the participation of countries with social and financial difficulties in most important FISU activities, including financial support;
- financial investments, directed to support and strengthening of activities of continental associations; participation of continental associations, as consultants in FISU Executive Committee activities.
- Assistance in development of the sport correlations between national, regional and international student sport organizations.


On April 21st, the delegates present in Kazan for the CIS and Eastern European University Sports Seminar, had the opportunity to visit the Kazan Kremlin. Mr. Killian, Campana, and Jasnic of FISU, together with Mr. A. Gualtieri, President of the European Universities Sports Association and Mr. O. Matytsin, President of the Russian Students Sport Union had the privilege to meet the President of Tatarstan Republic, Mr. M. Shaimiev at his office in the Kazan Kremlin. Were also present at this meeting: Mr. I. Metshin, Mayor of Kazan and Mr. M. Bariev, Minister of Sports, Youth and Tourism Affairs.

There was also the opportunity to visit the Mosque and the Orthodox Church located inside the Kazan Kremlin.

The rest of the day was dedicated to meet students at the Kazan State Technical University – Tupolev where all the participants took part to the laying of foundation of the health physical complex and later on to give the start of the spring student athletics relay-race organised in the streets of Kazan.

National student sport organizations of CIS and Eastern Europe, as well as the representatives of the regional and continental associations, who participated in the scientific-practical seminar, are ready to support all candidates for the leading organs of FISU, which will join this resolution and will take part in working out and realizing the international student sport movement Project.

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