Changes in FADU - New board

Changes in FADU - New board
Since 25th of January of 2008, the Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport (FADU.) have new social organs (President and Board of Directors) for the next 2 years (2008 - 2009).
The investiture ceremony took place at the Sportive Medical Centre (University Stadium of Lisbon) and important personalities from the sport business and also from the Portuguese Universities was invited.


It is important to mention the presence of the University Stadium of Lisbon President, João Roquette (representing also the Ministry and Secretary of State for Science and High Education), the President of the Portuguese Olympic Committee, Commandant Vincente de Moura, and the President of the Portuguese Sport Confederation, Carlos Paula Cardoso.

In this ceremony, the representatives from Portuguese Youth and Sport Institutes, and Lisbon Council were also there, as well as the representatives from others sportive and academic federations and national associations.
During the ceremony, when these personalities were making their final remarks, it was clear that FADU need to make a qualitative ‘jump’ during this year, due to the changes that are happening in Sport and in the national and european education, at both rules and legislative levels.

Andre Couto, the new FADU President, was very clear about his intention regarding the new Board: “F.A.D.U. begins a new path today, a new reformist spirit that will command this Academic Federation”. Some important issues were presented, such as the new facilities conditions, the new image and communication, and also a new path for the financial and economic area.
For now, it is their goal to continue the work that was previously developed and the main goal is, of course, the Sport and the Students.

FADU Organization | 2008 - 2009

André Couto

Treasurer André Costa
1st Vice-President Estêvão Cordovil
Bruno Leal
Guida Fernandes
Luís Ferreira
Ricardo Duarte

President Edgar Romão
1st Assessor João Pita
2nd Assessor Bruno Gonçalves

President Paulo Fernandes
Assessor Luís Ricardo Ferreira
Assessor Tiago Sá Carneiro

President Dra Catarina Macedo
Assessor António Carlindo
Assessor Tiago Carreira

President Dr. Carlos Dias Ferreira
Assessor Fernando Jesus
Assessor Pedro Oliveira

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