Changes in EUSA Student Commission

Changes in EUSA Student Commission

On the last EUSA Executive Committee Meeting held in Vilnius on March 19, 2010 new students were nominated to the EUSA Student Commission. The Commission is now composed of the following members:

Mandate 2009-2011:
- Antti Ville Afflekt, FIN
- Eleftheria Kallikazarou, GRE
- Tamar Salomon, NED
- Luís André Silva e Couto, POR

Mandate 2010-2012:
- Zoltan Rakaczki, HUN
- Julien Buhajezuk, FRA
- Olga Doktorova, RUS
- Maria Rubach, NOR

The goals of the commission are to promote EUC Volunteer Program, to develop informal and formal contacts particularly to the European student organisations, to assist in preparing the EUSA Symposium as well as to promote it among students and to create and develop an additional communication platform in order to promote EUSA, its ideas and its activities.

The EUSA Student Commission will meet on its first meeting on April 24, 2010 in Ljubljana.

More information on the Student Commission can be found on

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