Celebrating International Volunteer Day 2022

Celebrating International Volunteer Day 2022

International Volunteer Day is celebrated each year on December 5, with the European University Sports Association extending its sincere gratitude to the numerous volunteers who have and are contributing to the success of the organisations and many EUSA events.

Volunteering, as an unpaid and non-profit activity, is of exceptional importance for the organization of any type of event, and it is for sure that without the contribution of volunteers it would not be possible to organize any major event, including sports competitions. 

EUSA supports a number of volunteer programmes and opportunities and is immensely appreciative of the generous work done by thousands of volunteers at our Games, Championships and educational events. We also recognise the work of our commission members, who contribute to the work and development of our organisation on a voluntary basis.

As an organisation we try to empower, contribute and cherish volunteering through numerous projects, seminars and other educational events, that have the volunteers as main actors and the work they do and are willing to do, as the main focus.
We pay special attention to promotion of volunteering, offering trainings, providing feedback and issuing certification documents after the events. Two of our recent and ongoing projects specifically targetted (young) volunteers: The European Universities Games 2022 (EUG2022), and the Future volunteers - Key to success is Generation Z (K2S-GenZ), both co-financed by the Erasmus+ Project of the European Union.
GenZ volunteers at the EUG2022

On this occasion, we would also like to inform the public about the recent conclusion of two projects related to the promotion of volunteerism in sport, the project Be(ach) volunteer, Be(ach) Fair! (VOLFAIR) and Work for Cause-Serve for Sport (W4C). Both projects, throughout their duration, included various promotional and  educational events, as well as sports events, as a tool to empower and show the big importance and value of volunteers and volunteering as a socially important branch. Also these we co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

EUSA is a proud partner of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), with several volunteers assisting the activities of the EUSA Office on an annual basis. We also thank all these volunteers for their help and support in the daily activities.

With this, we would like to invite young people all around Europe to check current open and future volunteering opportunities, both long-term and short – term and take the chance to join us in the future support and development of volunteering.

The current open opportunity is the volunteering activity between February 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023:
while the  registration for this short term volunteering experience at the European Universities Championships 2023 will be opened on December 15. 

For more information on volunteering, please see www.eusa.eu/projects/volunteering 

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