Busy schedule of working meetings in Ljubljana

Busy schedule of working meetings in Ljubljana

EUSA members attended several working meetings in Ljubljana, Slovenia in the past few days - some of which at the EUSA Office.
Purpose of all these fruitful meetings was focusing on numerous events, initiatives and activities, some of them recently organised and some planned for the near future, as well as consolidating existing precious relationships in the university sport environment.

On Wednesady, February 7, EUSA President Adam Roczek, EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik and EUSA Treasurer Francis Cirianni, were guests of the University of Ljubljana and met with the institution Rector Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdic in the main building of the University - Congress Square, Ljubljana. The meeting follows a long history of partnership between the two entities, since the University has long been the host of the EUSA Office before the actual relocation in 2010, and the academic institution still is EUSA partner of numerous educational projects and sport activities - with the City of Ljubljana itself as stage of various EUSA events in the past. It was a pleasant occasion for strengthening relations and talking about ideas and collaborations for the next future.

The day before, following the working visit of the German University Sport Federation (ADH), EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik and EUSA Treasurer Francis Cirianni welcomed in EUSA Office CUS Venezia President Massimo Zanotto, President of the Organizing Committee of EUSA European Universities Winter Championship 2023, held in Val di Zoldo, Italy less than two months ago. The meeting that took place saw a productive exchange of views and reports about the successful first-ever edition of the co-organized event that saw hundreds of participants gathering on Dolomites snow to compete in Alpine Skiing, Snowboard and Snow Volleyball tournaments. Zanotto's visit has been a wonderful opportunity to deeply evaluate both the challenges encountered and all the most significant highlights of the event, to better plan and organise a future second edition.

On Wednesday February 7 the meeting of the EUSA Institute Governing Council took place. EUSA President Adam Roczek, EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Treasurer Francis Cirianni, and EUSA Institute employee's representative Andrej Pisl gathered to discuss, among other topics, the activity reports for the past period, 2022-2023 achievements and 2024 activity plan. The members of the Governing Council also reviewed and approved annual accounts of the EUSA Institute.

European UniversitySports Association (EUSA) and its Institute are very active in the field of international cooperation and projects, with the EUSA Institute participating, coordinating and often leading various initiatives, programs and collaborations.

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