BUCS to sign Brighton declaration

BUCS to sign Brighton declaration

BUCS - British Universities & Colleges Sport, EUSA member, announced a recent agreement with FISU and the International Working Group on Women and Sport to sign the Brighton Declaration – which provides principles to guide action intended to increase the involvement of women in sport at all levels and in all functions and roles. BUCS Chairman Mr Ed Smith will formally sign the Declaration at the BUCS Executive Board meeting in London in February 2012.


Women in sport


Bill Thomson, Head of Sport and Leisure at City University London, and who is running for an Executive Board position at the ENAS General Assembly in Antwerp next week, said "This is a major step towards equality in Sport, and one that Higher Education in Britain is pleased to make.  The benefits are huge; in both promotion and participation in Sport, and BUCS shows forward thinking by signing up to such an important International declaration."


Stephen Baddeley, who has recently been selected by BUCS as the Great Britain candidate for election to the EUSA Executive Board in March 2012, said: "I’m delighted that BUCS is signing up to the Brighton Declaration on Women in Sport. I passionately believe we should do everything in our power to make sure women are fully involved in all aspects of sport at all levels. That doesn¹t just mean on the field of play, but also in sports management, as referees, judges, coaches and sports medicine practitioners. Sport can play a powerful role in enriching people’s lives. Enhancing the roles that women play in sport can do nothing but good for sport and for our communities."

Mr Stephen Baddeley


Mr Baddeley is a former English, European and Commonwealth badminton champion, and was Director of Sport for Sport England prior to his current role as Director of Sport at the University of Bath.


BUCS joins over 260 international organisations to have already adopted or endorsed the Declaration, including the International Olympic and Paralympic Committees, the Commonwealth Games Federation, many international sporting federations and Governments worldwide – and from the UK, the Government, the BOA, the Women’s Sport Foundation, and 24 NGB’s, amongst others.

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