BUCS Signs Clean Sport Commitment

BUCS Signs Clean Sport Commitment

British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) has worked in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to develop a Clean Sport commitment statement, demonstrating that doping-free sport is at the core of the organisation’s values.


By adopting the statement, BUCS pledges to support the UKAD and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) position that “cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport and undermines the otherwise positive impact of sport on society”. Sports organisations such as BUCS cannot directly sign-up to the UK anti-doping policy; however UKAD fully supports partners publically declaring their commitment to Clean Sport.

UK athlete


As part of the on-going relationship, UKAD will work with the BUCS teams heading to the 2013 World University Games in Kazan, Russia, providing education to the 117 British athletes and 53 support personnel heading to Russia later this summer.

Anti-Doping Education Manager Mrs Batt


UK Anti-Doping Education Manager Amanda Batt said: “University sport is a vital part of the development of British sporting talent. Looking at the number of elite-level athletes to have come through the BUCS competition structure, this is a great step for clean sport in this country. By undertaking this formal commitment between our two organisations, we are underlining the importance of promoting positive values throughout an athlete’s career. “We will deliver education and information resources to provide athletes and support personnel with the necessary anti-doping information to compete clean throughout their sporting careers.”

Project partners


Neil Rogers, Head of International Programmes at BUCS also commented: “BUCS is committed to enhancing the student experience and providing opportunities to our athletes that benefit them in their development. The World University Games gives athletes an experience probably most akin to the Olympic Games in terms of scale, performance and village life, so we are delighted to be working with UKAD to provide our athletes with the best support and education for this competition and during this very important stage of their career”.


You can read the BUCS Clean Sport statement here.

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