BRAVA project partners meet in Ljubljana

BRAVA project partners meet in Ljubljana

The second in-person meeting of the Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) project partners was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on May 4 and 5, 2023.

The major objective of the Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career project is to enhance employment opportunities for dual career athletes and coaches while also acknowledging the conditions and challenges that may arise in a workplace. The goal of this initiative is to sufficiently meet their needs while enhancing the employability and visibility of the dual career employees.

Discussions at the meeting

During the two-day meeting, the project partners discussed and analysed Concept Mapping Results for Employees, Employers and Total Sample as well as the ranking and clustering of factors and statements to provide evidence for inclusion of factors in the new conceptual framework. Furthermore, the partners identified the clusters that display reasonable and agreed theoretical distinction and identified the key statements that should be included in the new European DC workplace guidelines.

BRAVA project meeting in Ljubljana

This meeting was hosted by the University of Ljubljana and EUSA Institute, and was held at the Faculty in Sport in Ljubljana. The meeting was made even more unique by contribution of two participants from the Let's draw together project who provided a visual illustration map about the project and topics discussed using the graphic recording method.

Graphic recording of the BRAVA meeting

EUSA was represented at the project by the Communications and Project Manager Andrej Pisl; Education and Development Manager Sara Rozman and European Solidarity Corps Volunteer and Project Assistant Kinga Gaal.

Representatives of BRAVA project partners

The three-year project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, aims to create scientifically validated knowledge based on dual-career employee athletes and define and put into practice new European guidelines that support dual career practices at the workplace and enable brand alignment strategies and CSR policies more feasible. Partners of the BRAVA dual career project are the University of Limerick (IRL – project coordinator), European Platform for Sports and Innovation (BEL), Roma Tre University (ITA), Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Nis (SRB), University of Ljubljana (SLO), Elite Sports Academy Aarhus (DEN), the European Athlete as Student (MLT), Human Age Institute Foundation (ITA) and the EUSA Institute (SLO). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

For more information, please see

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