AZS Poland visits South America

AZS Poland visits South America

On March 5, 2010 concluded the 3-week trip of the Polish AZS authorities’ representatives to South America. Marian Dymalski, Andrzej Hrehorowicz – FISU committees members, and Przemyslaw Strach – AZS headquarter, visited six countries: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. The trip was a good opportunity to discuss about academic sport problems with representatives of national university sport federations.

In Lima, AZS members met with Eduardo Ramirez Lenci, president of University Sport Federation of Peru, who is also the General Secretary of the Pan-American University Sport Association (ODUPA). Prof. Julio Jakob, President of ODUPA, welcomed the Polish representation in Montevideo.


Eduardo Ramirez Lenci, Marian Dymalski, Przemyslaw Strach, Andrzej Hrehorowicz

In Uruguay AZS members had the honour of participating in the official inauguration of the new president of Uruguay – José Mújic.

Apart from meetings, our representatives had a chance to visit some sights. They were impressed by architecture, local culture and lifestyle, quite different than Polish. The trip to South America was a platform of exchanging ideas, knowledge about sport at the universities and a good occasion to establish connections with representatives of foreign federations, that can be fruitful for the future.



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