AZS Poland against drugs

AZS Poland against drugs

University Sport Association of Poland (AZS) has joined the European Action on Drugs. European Action on Drugs project has been prepared and coordinated by the European Commission to “provide European civil society with a platform to increase awareness and commitment as regards drugs and the risks related to drug abuse, and to promote dialogue and exchanges of best practice”.



On 24th of November in Warsaw during the conference “European campaign on drugs” AZS has officially accessed to the project. Representatives of the AZS along with representatives of the government, non-profit organizations and education institutions were present at the meeting. There were almost 100 persons present at the conference. The main idea of the conference was to show various projects connected with anti drug policy implemented by a different organizations in Poland and exchange experiences between the authors of these projects and persons, institutions who benefit from them.


Projects referring to innovative methods of working with persons and groups endangered with using drugs and drug abuse were described as a very interesting and prospecting. Huge interest arouse around topic of utility of art, culture and natural talent development as preventing children and young people from drug abuse. Representative of the Polish police described using a method of drama or connections between theatre and police in cooperating with children and their parents in anti drug policy.



After an accession to the project AZS got a certificate and obligated to promote the main ideas of the project in the newspapers and on the websites. Next year sport events, championships will be played under a catchword “I love Sports without Drugs”.

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