AZS Assembly in Poland

AZS Assembly in Poland

The 23rd General Assembly of University Sports Association of Poland (AZS) was held in Warsaw from 12 to 13 December 2009. 153 delegates from the whole country attended the Assembly.


Report on behalf of retiring Board was presented by Professor Marek Rocki – AZS President. ‘Last 2 years were very special for our federation, we celebrated our 100th Anniversary. It was a great opportunity to look back at our history and confront ideas of AZS founders to modern university society needs’ Marek Rocki said. ‘I believe that values of university sport: fair play rivalry, respect for the opponent, friendship are now even more important than 100 hundred years ago.’ He also expressed how important for AZS is international activity: 3 World University Championships, FISU Forum, and 6 European Universities Championships were organized in Poland only in last 2 years period. He thanked AZS members and clubs for its efforts and promised that AZS is going to continue support development of university sport on European and World stage. The report of the President and discharging of the 2007-2009 Board were approved by General Assembly unanimously.



As a result of election, Professor Marek Rocki will continue his presidency for next 2 years. Tomasz Szponder (Poznan) – internal affairs, Dariusz Piekut (Warsaw) – sport for all, dr Lech Leszczynski (Lodz) – high performance sport and Adam Roczek (Wroclaw) – international affairs were elected for Vice Presidents position. Apart from them, 28 board members were elected.

Presidential, governmental and federations awards were also presented at the Assembly. Among the awarded were members of EUSA Family: Andrzej Hrehorowicz, EUSA Table Tennis Technical Delegate, received Golden Cross of Merit, while Adam Roczek, EUSA Sport Manager, received Silver Cross of Merit given by President of Republic of Poland Mr. Lech Kaczynski.

AZS was founded in 1909 in Krakow by group of students of the Jagiellonian University. Currently almost 51 000 members practice sport in 234 university clubs. The biggest stars of polish sport are associated in AZS, among them: Justyna Kowalczyk - current World Champion and World Cup in cross country skiing holder, Anita Wlodarczyk - current World Champion and World Record holder in hammer throw, Tomasz Majewski – Beijing Summer Olympics Shot Put Gold Medalist. 20% members of Polish Olympics Team Beijing 2008 came from AZS clubs.

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