Austrian International University Ski Championships

Austrian International University Ski Championships
The Carynthian village Innerkrems was the venue of the 30th Austrian International University Ski Championships. In lovely weather conditions and at a perfectly prepared slope athletes from 16 countries from all over Europe, North America and furthermore from exotic countries like Kyrgyzstan were competing for the medals and valuable FIS points. The championships started on Friday with the SG on the GrĂĽnleitennock, followed by the GS on Saturday and the SL on Sunday.
Results men:
After a surprising performance of a Dutch student, who won the SG on the first day, the students' team of the US did an outstanding job and were the most successful nation of the championships - two wins accompanied by one second and one third place for the US boys. And this success was absolutely no surprise, because the US students belong in the FIS rankings to the best of the world.
Second place at the SG for a Russian athlete, and another 3 podium places for Germany.

Results women:
A totally different result then at the girls' races.
7 different nations on the podium coming from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania.

Above all the participation of the Eastern European countries was overwhelming and even countries like Chile sent their athletes to this University Race.
Apparently international competitions in skiing are more popular than ever before.

Lead by Dr. Wolf FrĂĽhauf, chairman of Austrian University Sports Organisation and Prof. Franz Preiml, director of the sport institute of the University of Klagenfurt, the Organising Committee did the job in cooperation with the Ski Club of Innerkrems.
Innerkrems, one of the Austrian training centres of alpine skiing, with the famous Austrian coach Dr. Raimund Berger, was certainly the perfect place for such an event.
That is the reason why Innerkrems is for instance the most favourite training resort of Janica Kostelic and other famous athletes.

Side Events:
The ceremonies always took place directly after the competitions, which was obviously a good idea, because nearly all the athletes waited at the ceremony area with some tea till the fastest were announced.
The Vice Principal of the University of Klagenfurt, Mr. Martin Hitz, presented the medals and trophies.

The social aspect of this coming together was very nice and due to this meeting place, where the athletes could get some tea, glĂĽhwein and chocolate, some of the nations met again at the hotel lobbies later on.

All in all the 30th Austrian International Ski Championships were especially due to this overwhelmingly big acceptance of so many countries a big success.

With professional partners, such as the Alpine Training Centre Innerkrems, these events could become a high professional copy of big world cup races exclusively for students and university sports.

Additional information:
Austrian University Sports Organisation

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