AUSF Executive Committee meets in Singapore

AUSF Executive Committee meets in Singapore

On May 18th, the first Executive Committee meeting of Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) in the year 2013 took place at the National University of Singapore (NUS). It was the first AUSF EC meeting held in Singapore.


All the Executive Committee members, except for Vice-President Hosung Chang and Auditor Kairat Zakiryanov, made the trip, including President Xinsheng Zhang, Senior Vice-President Omar Al-Hai, Vice-President Kunning Chen, Secretary-General Kenny Chow, Vice Secretary-General Yanqing Xue, Treasurer Cheng Fave Seetow, Assessors Dorjsuren Jargalsaikhan, Hisato Igarashi, Preecha Prayoonpat, Mahdi Talebpour and Auditor Woong Yong Ha. 


AUSF President Mr Xinsheng Zhang opened the meeting with a welcome speech, expressing the gratitude to the host for arranging this meeting, the great impression on Singapore, and the appreciation to all the EC members for their endeavour. AUSF Secretary Mr Kenny Chow led the other parts of the meeting and went through the agenda item by item. The EC members also set the Calendar of 2014 and 2015.

Reports at the meeting


In the second half of 2013, the following events will be held: 4th Taekwondo Championship from October 31 to November 4 in Korea, 1st Woodball Championship and EC meeting from November 3 to 6 in Malaysia, 3rd Table Tennis Championship in October in United Arab Emirates. The EC listened to the progress reports from the Organizing Committees and was satisfied with the preparation of these events.


In 2014, there will be the following events: 1st Cricket Championship in Nepal, which was the first AUSF event in South Asia and a big step forward to reach South Asia, 1st Cycling Championship in April in Korea, 2nd Golf Championship, 3rd Beach Volleyball Championship and General Assembly in late August in China, 5th Men’s Basketball Championship, Seminar and EC meeting in Chinese Taipei in October. In 2015, there will be 2nd Woodball Championship in Hong Kong in June, 2nd Futsal and EC meeting in United Arab Emirates in October. Some members also showed great interest to host events in 2015. But due to the Summer Universiade, the Executive Committee finally decided not to make the schedule too tight.

AUSF Executive Committee Meeting


After that, the EC members listened to the report from Mr Cheng Fave Seetow and Yanqing Xue, who were just back from Nepal for the 1st Southeast Asian meeting. It was the great dream of AUSF to reach out to South Asia. Now that dream came true. The 1st meeting was held there, with the representatives from India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal participating and with the presence of FISU Director of Development Mr Laurent Briel. During that meeting, the South Asian University Sports Federation was set up and Nepal proposed to host 1st Asian University Cricket Championship, a popular event in South Asia.


The EC members also had a hot discussion on the setup of sub-committees, especially the Technical Committee, which was decisive for improving the level of AUSF events. The meeting ended productively. After the meeting, the EC members were invited to have a NUS campus tour and to watch the dragon boat competition. AUSF EC members will meet each other again in Malaysia this November.


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