AUSF Beach Volleyball and Golf Championships

AUSF Beach Volleyball and Golf Championships

The 3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship and the 2nd Asian University Golf Championship were held in Qingdao, China between August 22 and 26. The events were organised by the Asian University Sport Federation (AUSF) and Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), in cooperation with local partners.


At the Opening ceremony on August 22, AUSF President Mr Xinsheng Zhang addressed the participants and guests, including FISU 1st Vice President Mr Oleg Matytsin, EUSA Vice President Mr Leonz Eder and other guests which were also present at the 8th General Assembly held prior to this.

Opening of the Championships by AUSF President


On behalf of the Organizing committee, Mr Wenjiong Yang, Deputy Governor of the Huangdao District welcomed all participants and wished them a nice stay in China. After the welcoming speeches the two championships were declared open. A cultural programme concluded the event, followed by the opening matches in beach volleyball.

Competitions in AUSF Beach Volleyball Championship


At the AUSF Beach Volleyball Championship 10 countries were present and 5 at the Golf Championship, altogether with over 110 participants. Thailand was the overall winner in the Championship, as their teams won the competitions in both the male and female Beach Volleyball as well as the male and female Golf Team. Korea came second in overall ranking, their athletes winning the individual golf events and secong in Golf Team events. Host country China was third, taking three bronze medals in both events.

Most successful team - Thailand


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