AUSF and ODUPA Magazines available

AUSF and ODUPA Magazines available

Similar to EUSA, other continental university sport federations also publish their annual magazines. We are informing you that the Magazines of the Asian University Sports Federation and the Pan-American University Sport Organization have been published and are available for online viewing and download.


The Asian University Sports Federation published the Asian University Sports Magazine (AUSF Magazine) 2010 which includes the introductory and welcome addresses by AUSF and FISU Presidents, Report of the Secretary General, Newly Elected Executive Committee 2010 – 2016, AUSF Meetings 2010, AUSF Championships 2010, Member Activities 2010, FISU Universiade in Asia, FISU Activities 2010, FISU Continental Association, including a report on EUSA, Calendar 2011 and AUSF Member Contact Information. The magazine can be viewed and downloaded from the below link. For more information about AUSF, please visit



The Pan-American University Sport Organization published the first edition of their ODUPA Magazine 2010, which starts with the Organization message by the FISU and ODUPA presidents. ODUPA birth, consolidation and its mission are introduced, and then reports are given from the World University Championships where ODUPA members participated, on the Pan-American championships and other continental events organised in 2010. Special focus is also given to the education and conferences, ODUPA calendar is available, and some of Federation's members are introduced. For more information about ODUPA, please visit


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