Armenian Students Sports Games started

Armenian Students Sports Games started

The 15th national Armenian Students Sports Games opened in mid April in Yerevan, in the presence of the Armenian Minister of Education and Science, head students sports federation, Mr Armen Ashotyan. In his opening speech he stressed the importance of these traditional student games and wished the participants to have fruitful tournaments. He pointed that these games brought together 3000 students from 20 universities, who will compete in different sports. He also mentioned that it is very important that the number and geography of the students increase from year to year, as besides the universities of Yerevan also universities from other regions are participating. Students sport games have become a symbol of healthy life style.

VIP delegation at the Opening, with the Minister Ashotyan


Mr Ashotyan also informed that as a result of cooperation with FISU and EUSA, Armenian best students have received great achievements in international area. Also this year they will actively participate in European and World student sports events. He also stressed that Ministry of Education and Science is ready to do its best for continuous support in this area.

Coaches' instructions before the match

During the Games, 14 tournaments will be held. The event will take place in two parts; the first - spring one will finish in May and the second one in autumn. This year in the students sports games 11 sports are included: chess, table tennis, futsal, swimming, athletics, volleyball, handball, basketball, sport shooting, judo and armwrestling.

Chess competitions


Armenian students sport games are organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, Armenian Student Sports Federation (ARMSSF) and Armenian Youth Foundation, in cooperation with the national federations of the sports featured in the Games. 


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