Anti-Doping: EADIn update

Anti-Doping: EADIn update

The European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn), in which European University Sports Association (EUSA ) is one of the main partners, has launched the official website The website will be updated with the useful information and the tools to develop and encourage anti-doping education in sport, with emphasis on youth.

From June 22 to 26 a very important part of the project - youth training camp - is taking place in Burgausen, Gemany. After kick-off and selection of the Anti-Doping Junior Ambassadors (ADJA) by each partner of the project, the ADJA will bring the experts, victims of doping abuse in young age and researchers together, to provide a quality anti-doping training for the young athletes, ambassadors of the project. Publication "Sport without doping, a training tool for anti-doping junior ambassadors" has been made available for the participants of the camp. The publication will later be updated and made publicly available.


EADIn training manual

Before the event, EUSA Communications manager Mr Andrej Pisl met with the Slovenian ambassadors, selected by EUSA - Mrs Tjasa Hojnik and Mr Jan Druzina, accompanied by Mrs Mojca Rupert, representative of the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA). Mr Pisl briefly presented EUSA and its activities to the ambassadors, and introduced more details about the project. Together they also attended an introductory meeting and initial training organised by the Slovenian Olympic Committee, another partner in the project.


Meeting at EUSA Office with Slovenian ambassadors

Team attending the camp in Burghausen: Marko Žunic (CRO) – group coordinator; Abosede Ajayi (GBR) - EUSA representative – Medical commission member; Aikaterini Zompanaki (GRE), Luka Rukavina (CRO), Andre Bonello (MLT), Jan Druzina (SLO) and Tjasa Hojnik (SLO) – ambassadors. Other ambassadors we will try to include in the programme after the camp: Adre Rasteiro (POR), Louanne Caruana (MLT) and Sofi Weckman (FIN).

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