Anti-Doping: EADIn gone social

Anti-Doping: EADIn gone social

The project of the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn), which EUSA is a part of, has gone social.


While project partners are busy with carrying out activities and preparing updates to the training tool, a Facebook page and Twitter accounts have been established with the alias no2doping. All individuals and institutions supporting the fight and awareness raising against doping, please Like the Facebbok page and subscribe to the Twitter feed

You are also invited to actively participate in the project - either directly, or through the partners and their networks.

EADIn: no2doping on Facebook  EADIn: no2doping on Twitter


Partners in the project are Network for the European Youth Work in Sports within the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth), European University Sports Association (EUSA), German Sports Youth within the German Olympic Committee (DSJ), French Olympic Committee (CNOSF), Olympic Committee of Slovenia (OKS), Austrian Athletics Federation (LV), Italian Federation of Aerobics and Fitness (FIAF), International Catholic Federation of Physical and Sporting Education (FICEP) and Doping Prevention Center at the Heidelberg University of Education (ZDP).

EADIn activities

Funded byThe European Anti-Doping Initiative is funded by the EU programme Preparatory Action in the field of sport, and promotes healthy sports participation, without drugs.


More information online at or at the Facebook page of the project and Twitter account

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