Announcing EUSA Convention

Announcing EUSA Convention
This year's EUSA Convention for the organisers of European Universities Championships 2013 will take place in Portoroz, Slovenia between November 15 and 18, 2012. The convention is intended for the Organisers of the European Universities Championships and EUSA Technical delegates. We expect one or two representatives of each EUC 2013 Organising Committee to take part in the Convention.
During the Convention we will give a general briefing on the terms and conditions as well as on examples for best practice. Subsequently, the Technical Delegates and the EUSA representatives will meet with the Organising Committees of their respective sport in order to check all details of the organisation. 

Workshops at the previous EUSA Convention in Cordoba
The 3-day convention will feature various aspects of the organisation of EUSA championships, including an overall presentation, technical regulations and requirements, presentation of the volunteer programme, registration and accreditation system, medical requirements and other relevant topics, to ensure the quality of the European Universities Championships.

The hotel
Last week, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General and Mr Patrik Perosa, Sports Manager visited Portoroz where they met Mr Aleks Ceh, Sales Manager of Lifeclass Hotels Portoroz to confirm all the details on accommodation and conference venue.

Mr Pesosa, Mr Ceh and Mr Pecovnik
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