All EUC 2006 successfully finished

All EUC 2006 successfully finished

All nine European University Championships, organised in 2006, have succesfully finished. We are very proud to annonce, that the participation has increased from 1530 participants in 2005 to 2160 participants in 2006, which represents 41% growth.

The number of participating universities increased from 200 in 2005 to 255 in 2006 (28% increase).

26 European countries participated at the championships in 2006. Universities from France participated at all 9 championships, Germany, Croatia, Poland and Portugal sent their teams to 8 champiosnhips, and the other countries a bit less. Universities from Sweden and Lithuania participated at the EUC for the first time.

In 2007, EUSA will organise 11 European Universities Championships.
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