A winners heartbeat - Martina Krog

A winners heartbeat - Martina Krog

Female futsal team of University of Zagreb is an example of dedication and love for the sport. Since they first appeared they continue to progress and last year they won the first ever medal at EUSA events – silver medal at European Universities Futsal Championship in Corum, Turkey. And the best way to explain their mindset is through a story of Martina Krog.

Like most of her friends Martina started playing football in her primary school and got introduced to futsal when she enrolled to her studies at the University of Zagreb. But Martina had more difficult path to cross than any of her futsal friends, because she was born without her right forearm.

-        I started playing football in a women football club Pregrada when I was 8th grade. At first, people look strangely at me because of my handicap, because they didn’t want something bad to happen to me. Quickly they realised that I play normal like all the others.

Her biggest sport success came when she became a student of University of Zagreb. She found futsal, started playing for her faculty and representing her University and country at the EUG in Zagreb in 2016.

-        Privilege to represent my University was a great honor, and I was lucky to have that opportunity. Unfortunately, we were fourth and failed to win a medal.

She missed the biggest success of her team because she was diagnosed with a cancer. While her colleagues played in Turkey she was fighting her life battle. And ofcourse, she won!

-        In october 2016 I was diagnosed with cancer and so far I had 3 surgeries and 12 cycles of chemotherapy but nothing is going to stop me from playing. Ofcourse, I had short brakes because of the recovery, but in the same time the will, desire and love for futsal. I returned this year and won „Kutija Šibica“ futsal tournament and the Croatian female futsal league with ŽMNK Alumnus. Excuses do not exsist, and sport is the reason why I never quited and why I fought against all the problems.

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