60th rowing competition in Zurich

60th rowing competition in Zurich

Similar to the famous rowing competition between Cambridge and Oxford also the Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) organises such a rowing contest between the University of Zurich and the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. For the 60th time this competition took place on the Limmat, the river in the city center of the economic capital of Switzerland.

Traditional, 60th rowing competition Uni - ETH in Zurich

Originally held only for male students, in 2001 the female students started to participate as well, followed by the professors in 2006. There is always a lot of prestige in this event which is held in the category 8+. A huge crowd of spectators was present also last Saturday when the race was organised with best weather conditions.

ASVZ Director Kaspar Egger and SUSF Managing Director Leonz Eder

In this competition, the last one under the leadership of ASVZ director Kaspar Egger, who will be retiring in 2012, the Uni-Professors won against the ETH boat, and the score is now 3:3. The female students competition ended with a win of the ETH students, the score is now 9:1, while also the male students of the ETH won against the Uni team, so the score is 35:23 at the moment.

Victory ceremony with the President of the ETH Zurich and the Rector of Zurich University


Andreas Csonka, the President of the Swiss University Sports Federation and a former national rowing coach, is in the Organising Committee of this traditional rowing event as well as Fredi Schneider, Head of the SUSF Elite sports. The student participants of both schools, the University of Zurich and the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, participate regularly at the EUC and WUC rowing. Zurich is the Swiss center of student rowing.

2011 Detailed Results

Uni 1st Race - 2:12.72
Uni 2nd Race - 2:13.82

Poly 1st Race - 1:07.97
Poly 2nd Race - 1:08.72

Uni 1st Race - 1:45.26
Uni 2nd Race - 1:48.09

Poly 1st Race - 1:44.75
Poly 2nd Race - 1:45.26

Uni 1st Race - 2:00.97
Uni 2nd Race - 2:04.19

Poly 1st Race - 2:02.84
Poly 2nd Race - 2:09.72

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