4th University Gala in Portugal

4th University Gala in Portugal

On October 11th, the Portuguese University Sports Federation (FADU) organized the 4th edition of the University Sports Gala. It was, once again, the stage for the recognition of those who stood out in the season of 2010/2011. All medalists in international competitions were honored for their achievement of podium places in the European Universities Championships and in the Universiade.


350 guests attended the event in Quinta do Mourão in Tentúgal. Among them were athletes, coaches, officials and many representatives of academies, clubs and sports federations, including many others related to the Portuguese University Sports. In the table of honor was João Queiró, Secretary of State for Higher Education, André Pardal and Paulo Marcolino, Deputies of the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth.

University of Porto

For the first time FADU handed the Trophy for Best University to the University of Porto, which had best ranking in the Portuguese university championships. During the awards ceremony, FADU also thanked the organizations of the major events of the year.

After the votes of Clubs, Public and invited Jury, the Awards for "Best of the Year" were delivered in the categories of: Coach, Female Athlete, Male Athlete, Female Team and Male Team.

Best Coach

Gabriel Oliveira, coach of the handball male team of the University of Minho Student’s Union, received the award for Best Coach and his team, for Best Male Team of the year. Both had already received these awards at the 2nd University Sports Gala in 2009.

Best Female Athlete

The student of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Sara Moreira, Silver Medalist in the 5,000 meters in Shenzhen Universiade, won for the 3rd consecutive year the award for Best Female Athlete. In the Male category, the prize went to Alberto Paulo, a student at the University of Madeira, Gold Medal in the 3,000m Steeple at the Universiade.

Best Team

The Award for Best Female Team went to the Futsal team of the University of Beira Interior Student’s Union, National University Champions and 2nd Place at the European Universities Championship.

Prestige Award

FADU recognizes every year through the Prestige Award, entities or personalities for the effort and dedication to the university sport. This year, Duarte Lopes, Head of Delegation at Belgrade Universiade 2009 and Shenzhen Universiade 2011 was contemplated by this Award.

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