2024 EFPM online anniversary assembly

2024 EFPM online anniversary assembly

The European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) held their annual general assembly on May 27. The event was held online, commemorating the 30th anniversary since its establishment in 1994.

The participants were welcomed by EFPM President Philippe Housiaux and EFPM Secretary General Ioannis Psilopoulos, introducing the agenda and taking the participants down the memory lane.

EFPM beginnings

After the approval of the agenda and minutes of the 2023 Assembly, President Housiaux presented the report of activities of the organisation of the past year, followed by financial report by the Treasurer and report by Auditors.

EFPM President

In 2024, EFPM, its members and partners will pay special attention to the celebrations. The special campaign will be the Crossing Europe for Fair Play and Peace, a relay to unite and connect people across Europe. The campaign will run between May 27 and September 5, using the hashtag #RunForFairPlay.

Fair Play and Peace relay

Individual celebrations across the members and partners are also being carried out across the continent.

Local initiatives

Next EFPM events and key dates are July 31: EFPM Fair Play nominations; September 5: World Fair Play Day; December 17-18: EFPM Congress (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium); and for 2025 the Congress and Electoral General Assembly in May (Olympia, Greece).

EFPM plan 2024-25

The attendees were informed that the 2024 EFPM Fair Play for Peace award has been attributed to UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, and the award will be officially presented at the anniversary congress end of the year.

Fair Play for Peace Award

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is a partner of the EFPM, and was represented at the Assembly by its Projects & Policy Manager Andrej Pisl. He greeted all the participants, congratulated the organisation on their anniversary, and announced the upcoming key EUSA events for this year – the European Universities Games 2024 in Debrecen-Miskolc, Hungary in July, and the EUSA Conference and 25th Anniversary Gala in Vienna, Austria in November.

For more information about EFPM, including some useful resources for the promotion of fair paly, please see  www.fairplayeur.com.

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